G-d and Man – The Ultimate Plan

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G-d and Man – The Ultimate Plan



6″ x 9″

150 Pages

Written by: Refael Moshe Becker

Published by: Mosaica Press

Do you want to understand reality? Do you want to make sense of spirituality?

Perhaps the greatest genius of the Ramchal was in the unique way he identified the general principles of Torah, and clearly explained the structure of the spiritual realm and our connection to it. The person who wants to know G-d will certainly study his works; indeed, the Ramchal’s brilliance continues to inspire and motivate ever-growing numbers of truth seekers.

G-d and Man: The Ultimate Plan closely follows the structure of Derech Hashem:

  • In the first section, we learn about the purpose and structure of Creation and the specific function of man.
  • The second section explains G-d’s engagement in the universe, reincarnation, teshuvah, and Israel’s unique mission.
  • In the third section, the essence of the soul and dreams are revealed, as well as the mechanics of prophecy.
  • In the last section, we learn about the reasons for the mitzvos and the centrality of Torah study, as well as love and awe for our Creator.

This fascinating and engaging sefer explains the teachings of the Ramchal for the modern age, and brings clarity and inspiration into our lives.


“The author has translated the ideas in the sefer Derech HaShem by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto in a concise, fluid, and interesting presentation. I found the ideas presented consistent with the intent of the Ramchal.”


Rav Zev Leff, Rav of Moshav Matityahu

Our incredible universe did not arise by chance, similar to a beautiful poem that could not possibly have been written with a random splash of ink. What were we created for? How can we gain knowledge of G-d’s plan? The Ramchal’s works answer these crucial questions.

My dear friend Refael Moshe Becker has taken upon himself to disseminate the Ramchal’s works in a clear and lucid fashion. This book, seemingly simple yet incredibly deep, gives the reader a clear understanding of the Ramchal’s Derech HaShem and a window to the purpose of life and how to attain it.

Rav Menachem Levine, shlita, Rav, Kehillas Am Echad San Jose, California.

“I am sure that this contemporary version of the Ramchal’s masterpiece will enlighten those who are struggling to apply the Derech HaShem to our modern life.”

Rabbi Yehoshua Liff – Yeshivas Ateres Yaakov

About the Author:

Refael Moshe Becker is originally from the East Coast of the USA, but spent many years in Northern California. He now lives in Chermesh, Israel. This is his first book.

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G-d and Man - The Ultimate Plan

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